Beyond Doorways
A Beyond Doorways Level 1 and 2 Healing Session gives you an opportunity to experience the fundamental procedures in the book and therefore receive a Beyond Doorways™ energetic healing process. In this healing, you will integrate specific Transference procedures while also receiving Atlantean and Lemurian healing procedures, through the use of crystal wands, to allow frequency shifts in you DNA that facilitate a divinely orchestrated cellular purification. You will also experience a Pentagram Gridding Procedure to support the alchemical changes necessary for the healing and transference of your body into the fifth dimensional frequency so that the physical body and consciousness can respond to the anchoring of your Lightbody.
Level 1
Level 1 30 minutes $70.00
A Beyond Doorways Level 1 Healing Session gives you an opportunity to experience the fundamental procedures in the book “Beyond Doorways”. A great way to experience the Transference Healing energy supporting you to activate change within.
Level 1 & 2
Level 1 and 2 60 minutes $110.00
During a Beyond Doorways Level 2 Healing Session, you will integrate specific Transference Healing procedures while also receiving Atlantean and Lemurian healing procedures. Through the use of crystal wands, it will allow frequency shifts in your DNA and also facilitate a divinely orchestrated cellular purification. You will experience a Pentagram Gridding Procedure to support the alchemical changes necessary for the healing and transference of your body into the fifth dimensional frequency so that the physical body and consciousness can respond to the anchoring of your Lightbody.